Google PlayStore Apps

To avoid coporate jargon I will summarise in short - this website does not collect any personal information or track users (No Analytics) . This policy is only for the apps I publish to the Google PlayStore. No personal information is collected from Google PlayStore Applications, only anonymous data is collected for the sole purpose of advertising and user engagement.

Corporate Jargon

By using any published Google Play App by “Asim Rehman” you agree to this policy.

Using any Application published on Google PlayStore by “Asim Rehman” certain non-identifiable information is collected for the sole purpose of traffic and analysis and advertising. This information is not identifiable and all information is sent anonymously. You may not opt-out of this process, if you do not agree do not use the application

Google Analytics and Google Firebase are used for traffic analysis and user engagement analysis

Google Firebase & Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics and Firebase for tracking user engagement on our applications. The information is stored on Google servers and no private identifiable information is gathered from the user. Information Google Analytics collects are:

  • Device type
  • Device model
  • Pages visited
  • Length of engagement
  • Search queries (Within the app)
  • Operating System (OS)
  • Country
  • Time and exit of visit

No identifiable information such as your address, name, phone is given.

Data Retention

All data is stored on Google Servers and deleted after 26 Months

Data Security

All data is encrypted using SSL between Google Servers and mine (AWS/Google Firebase)

You can read more about Google Analytics Privacy Policy at

Contact Me

[email protected]